Most of the Indian smartphone users in India make use of android. It has become the most vital part of our day-to-day life. While it may offer numerous functions, today we will discuss the alarm clock and how to set alarm for 20 minutes. Let us dive into it.
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Step by step guide to set alarm for 20 minutes
Setting up an alarm is not a complex riddle and can be quickly done even if you are a newbie.
- Firstly, you need to go to the Applications and search for Clock. The apps are often set in alphabetical order, easy to find.
- After this, you will find a lot of icons on the top of the screen, which are an alarm, clock, timer, and a stopwatch. For this tutorial, we will ignore the rest and focus only on the alarm window that pops up immediately on opening the app.
- Here, you will already find a list of times like 8 am, 9 am, etc. So if the time you want to set your alarm for is already mentioned here, you can select it from the given list. However, here we will learn how to set alarm for 20 minutes, so you need to press the button ‘+’ located in the lower middle region of the screen.
- Once you click on it, you will see the numbers appearing in front for both the hour and minute needle and the am and pm option on the left-hand side. Suppose the current time for you is 5:20 pm, so to make sure the alarm rings after 20 minutes, you need to set it at 5:40 pm. You can scroll the numbers up and down until you get the desired option and then press on the tick option in the upper right corner.
- In addition to this, there is also a multitude of functions you can apply. Just below the numbers, you will find five options which go as ringtone, repeat, vibrate when alarm sounds, delete after it goes off, and label.
- With the help of a ringtone, you can customize what alarm tune you want to set up. You can either select the default ones which are offered by your mobile phone itself, or you can add them from the gallery.
- The next option is repeated, which needs no explanation. If you want your alarm to go off at that particular time every single day, then click on daily. Supposedly, you leave for a run at 5 am every morning for twenty minutes, so this can come in handy. Alternatively, if you want to go on a run only from Monday to Friday, you can choose ‘Mon to Fri.’ The last option is custom, where you can decide which days the alarm needs to go off. Maybe you have particular meetings biweekly, so this can be useful to remind you.
- The next option, ‘delete after goes off,’ is precisely what it says. The alarm will be deleted after it rings.
- The last but not the least option is the label. Using this, you can give a name to your alarm to remember what it is for. If you are getting up for morning yoga, you can label the alarm as ‘morning yoga’ or, if it’s for studying for a subject, you can put the subject’s name as the label for a clear reminder.
So, this covers up all the basic functionalities of the alarm clock. We hope that after reading this guide, you will be able to set up a twenty minutes alarm successfully.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.