4 Most Popular Dental Services in Leawood

If you’re looking for a dentist in Leawood, you’re in luck. There are plenty of excellent dental services available in this Kansas City suburb. Here are four of the most popular dental services in Leawood.

1 – Emergency Dental Services

One of the most popular services a Leawood dentist provides is emergency dental services. This is because people sometimes get into accidents or suddenly have their teeth knocked out while playing sports. And, when this happens, they need to be able to see a dentist right away.

Emergency dental services are also popular because people often have pain in their teeth that comes on suddenly and is very severe. And, when this happens, they need to be able to see a dentist right away. So, if you are ever in an accident or have a severe toothache, call an emergency Leawood dentist.

2 – Preventative Dental Services

Preventative dental services are a type of dental care that helps to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. These services typically include professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants. By receiving regular preventative care, patients can help to keep their teeth and gums healthy and avoid more severe issues down the road.

In addition, many insurance plans cover preventive dental services 100%, making them an affordable option for patients of all ages. As a result, it is not surprising that preventative dental care is one of the most popular dental services available today.

3 – Implants

Dental implants are artificial replacement teeth that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Unlike dentures or bridges, which rest on the gums, dental implants are anchored into the jawbone, making them a very stable and permanent solution for tooth loss.

In addition, dental implants can be used to support other dental appliances, such as dentures or bridges. Another advantage of dental implants is that they help to preserve the bone in the jaw, which can often shrink following tooth loss. As a result, implant surgery is often a much better option than traditional dentures or bridges.

4 – Dental Crowns

One of the most popular services at a Leawood dentist is dental crowns. Crowns restore a tooth’s shape, size, and strength. They can also be used to improve the appearance of a tooth. Crowns are made from various materials, such as porcelain, ceramic, and gold. The type of crown that is best for you will depend on the tooth’s location and personal preferences.

Crowns are usually placed over a tooth damaged by decay or injury. The procedure for placing a crown typically takes two visits to the dentist. The Leawood dentist will prepare the tooth during the first visit by removing any decay or damaged tissue. They will then take an impression of the tooth so the crown can be custom-made. The second visit will involve the placement of the permanent crown. With proper care, dental crowns can last for many years.

Top Leawood Dentist Services: In Closing

The four options mentioned above should give you a good starting point if you need dental services. Keep in mind that each dentist will have their specialties and areas of expertise, so it is essential to do your research before making a final decision. We hope this article has been helpful, and we wish you the best of luck finding the perfect Leawood dentist for your needs.

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