Technology has impacted the way business is conducted in ways that were never even imagined only a decade ago. The increasing processing power of devices (including mobile devices) has meant that business processes and immersion in data are today increasing efficiency and the speed at which businesses can react to changing environments.
The benefits of augmented reality extend far beyond the immersive experience. AR can improve customer service, allowing customer-facing personnel to provide better demos of products and services. Customer-support representatives can also use AR to provide product reviews and suggestions, extending remote support into the real world. Augmented reality also creates new opportunities in customer education, as it allows businesses to deliver data and advertisements directly into contexts.
One of the most promising of the new technologies that are revolutionizing business is augmented reality. Augmented reality inserts virtual objects into the real world. Although virtual reality (being transported into an entirely virtual world and are isolated from the real world) is grabbing headlines – many experts believe that augmented reality is a far more useful technology. This is not a technology that promises great things – it is in use right now.
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Augmented reality applications that are powering the businesses of the 21st century?
AR can be tremendously useful to those experts who are out in the field. For instance, an engineer looking for answers to questions regarding the performance of a particular problem can use AR glasses to interact with a remote expert who can then place markers and observations on a real-world piece of equipment.
Companies should harness the in-house innovators and extend the capabilities of forward-thinking teams by assigning them to AR-specific projects. In addition to better ideas, these teams are also well-prepared to deal with implementation challenges. Companies should not wait until the technology is fully developed to start incorporating AR into their enterprise app strategy.
The massive opportunity that AR presents is here and waiting to engage millions of users is now. Once the technology is widely available, more apps and devices will be available for users to experience.
The advantages are clear – the instructions are applicable to the real-world environment and the field agent has both hands free to perform tasks. It also allows for experts around the world to provide advice – the result is improved efficiency.
The design and modeling fields have also benefited from the technology. The retrofit of existing space (be it an aircraft interior or a business premises) can be planned in great detail by superimposing virtual structures and design onto the current space.
The side-by-side comparison is easier to understand and gives a more immersive experience. It also saves enormous costs and time when one considers that more complex redesigns usually require the construction of real-world models. You can check this for more details.
One way that augmented reality is already being used in businesses is 3D modeling. In the early stages of product design, 3D models can give designers a clear picture of how the product will look and function.
Using 3D modeling during this process is extremely helpful for product designers. They can simulate how the product will look and function in real life, thus giving them an idea of the end product. It is also a great way to train employees.
Marketing and customer relations have also benefited from the practice of AR. In a neat crossover, Hyundai launched an owner’s manual which allowed the car owner to hover over pages with a tablet or smartphone.
This provided information that complemented the print version of the manual with overlays that included animations and video. Applications like this are becoming more and more common. They can today be found in showrooms where products can provide further information on use and benefits when viewed using an AR application.
Using an AR application can also provide a remote experience that adds value to the consumer in other ways that have allowed it to play an important part in allowing the man (or woman) on the street (so to speak) to cope with a rapidly changing world.
The current restrictions on gatherings and interaction caused by COVID-19 regulations meant that the real estate business experienced extremely depressed sales. AR changed that. Virtual open houses have become the norm – and have proven extremely popular with buyers.
VR usually requires powerful processors and bulky gear that can be expensive. One of the reasons that AR is gaining in popularity is that the average consumer already possesses a Smart device of some sort – no extra expenditure is required.
The ability of AR to provide a synthesis of the real world and the virtual one is making it one of the most exciting technologies available to business as we enter the second decade of the 21st century. It is one that businesses cannot afford to ignore.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.