If you look at some of the standards by some of the top factory auditing company, ISO 19011 makes new standards according to the latest manufacturing equipment. From this clause this is the valuable information gained:
The factory auditing company should review all the information gained from factory auditing services of various import companies and prepare all the necessary documents for references and recording the current auditing process. The documents included by factory auditing company during the time of auditing includes:
- Forms for including information like audit findings, records of previous meetings and supporting evidence and
- Audit sampling plans and checklists
Table of Contents
Use of Audit Checklists
In management system standards whilst is not always required, audit checklists are one such tool which is available to all the factory auditing firm. Many import companies use it to make sure that an audit at its minimum will address all the requirements as defined in the scope of the audit.
There are different ways to approach Audit according to ISO standard 9001:2000. For instance:
- Auditing the import company’s quality management system against the ISO 9001:2000 standards
- Using the checklists for auditing according to the requirements by the import company against an organization’s management system
Moreover, it is beneficial to audit import company’s audit with import company’s requirements against the management system of the company.
Advantages of Using Audit Checklists
These are some of the advantages of using audit checklists by factory auditing services or factory audit company:
- Audit checklists provide assistance to the auditing process conducted by agents who offer factory auditing services’
- Audit checklists help in assisting audit to perform better during the auditing process
- Audit checklists help in making sure that the auditing process is conducted in a systematic manner and the required evidence is obtained
- Factory auditing company need to be trained about how to use a particular checklist and should be shown how to get the maximum information by using the great questioning technique
- Checklists can be provided to the head of the auditing company before the on-site audit
- Checklists provide all the records that were examined during the QMS(Quality Management System)
- With complete audit checklists, it gives you the complete objective evidence that why the audit was performed
- Checklists can be used as information for the future planning of upcoming audits
- Checklists provide better means of communication and a place to record the data for future use
- Checklists can provide better infrastructure and continuity to an audit and make sure that the scope of the audit is followed
- If the checklists are developed for a specific audit and used properly:
- Works as a time manager and sampling plan
- Works as a memory aid. Provide a lot of notes which is collected during the auditing process
- Promotes planning for audit
- Ensures a consistent audit approach
There are so many advantages of using audit checklists as mentioned below. This depends on various factors like time and cost constraints, customer needs, sector scheme requirements, and experience of the auditor.
Moreover, auditors should analyze and assess the value of the checklist as an important aid in the auditing process and should be considered as using a functional tool. If you have any query or want to know anything about third party inspection or quality inspection, feel free to contact ProQC: we are one of the leading quality inspection company provide best in domain solutions as per the specific demands of our prestigious customers.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.