The first essential while applying for a job is to prepare a detailed and impressive CV. It is the key to entering the minds of the employers and the ultimate way to secure a place in the intended organization. Thus, it becomes utterly significant to jot down your resume in the best possible way without any error. It is not just about getting only the overall resume correctly; it pays attention to every paragraph and line.
This post aims to throw light on an integral part of Education. Getting this portion wrong may decrease the applicant’s chances of getting into the job. An interviewer usually shortlists the candidates based on their educational qualifications. It helps the interviewer to know if your educational degree, merit, and course are relevant for the job applied or not. They also look for the applicant’s personality and ability in this section.
If you are trying to write a polished resume, focus on the education column. Here is how you can enhance this crucial part of your resume.
The pro tip is to use a professional Resume Builder available online. Some of the top and necessary practices in this context are as follows:-
Table of Contents
Apply the reverse chronological sequence
Yes, there must be a sequence in which you write about your educational qualifications. Doing this randomly is a strict no. Some people commit the mistake of writing about their courses in the descending order of their marks. It might sound impressive to write the degree pursued with the highest marks obtained, but this is the wrong way.
The correct protocol is to place the most recently finished degree at the top. Even the staffing team is interested in knowing your highest level of education. Thus, it becomes easy to grab attention by writing your latest completed education course.
Enumerate details about multiple schools
There might be a situation when a job seeker and a resume writer have had completed their schooling or college education from more than one institute. It is a piece of usual advice never to miss telling about all of them. Sometimes people think it is okay to just write about where they did the final year. It is better to point out all of them.
The applicant must also follow reverse chronological order while writing about different schools and colleges. Write the latest degree along with the institute from where you completed it. Then, mention the second/ first year of degree if done from a different college. Then, write about the schooling in reverse sequential similarly.
Additional certificates or rewards received
It is highly imperative to pay attention to this point. A person might have some trophies or certificates in their name. It can get confusing whether you should write them under the education part of a separate section. The trick to clear this confusion is that if you have received such an award from a school, college, university, or other educational institutes, you should cite them here.
Examples of such special rewards can be College Color, Academic Performer, Student of the Year, Distinction Scholar, etc. However, if an NGO, another firm, etc., has conferred such an award or honor, do not mention it under Education Column. You may write the latter certificates or rewards in a different section.
Cite the non-degree courses of education
Another point of confusion can be whether you should mention other courses that come without a degree. For example, a Foreign Language course will be relevant for positions in firms aimed at international networking; cooking classes are ideal for the position of a chef, Leadership programs might give you an edge in the corporate sector, and so on.
If you have any additional course that usually does not come with a degree from an affiliated university or board, it is essential to mention them here. However, the primary catch is that you must only mention such a course if relevant to the prospective job. Writing about cooking for a technical position will be unnecessary.
What are the things you should avoid while writing the Education part in your resume?
It is not just about putting things in your CV or resume; it is also about doing them with utmost precision. Here are some don’ts to keep in mind for a flawless finish of this section.
Do not commit typos or grammar mistakes.
This might sound too obvious to state, but plenty of people miss this crucial point out of haste or ignorance. If you are getting the resume done by someone else, you must proofread it once. There may be chances of errors in typing, grammar, or even providing your educational info. So, be careful and give it a thorough reading before submitting callously.
Do not provide fancy or exaggerated information
Another bizarre act can be to overstate things in the view of making your resume attractive. Remember that anything you write under the education section is supported with certificates and is subjected to verification. If an interviewer decides to run into genuine records sources, a person might get in trouble for providing exaggerated or false info.
Do not go overboard by citing unnecessary things
Understandably, an applicant has this tendency to show off every little detail to leave a lasting impression on the staffing team. However, putting unnecessary or irrelevant things on your resume may harm any good. The HR team is usually not interested in knowing details that are of no use to them. So, cite things only if they match the job profile.
After you have taken care of the above-mentioned parameters, you are done writing the education part on your resume in the best possible way. Give it a quick reading or ask someone else to evaluate it for you before the interview. You will be ready with the writing part, and all you have to do now is be confident and prepare well for the interview.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.