If you are an itinerant or born with the itchy feet( proverbially), every time you would be back to your home, you would miss the places you visited during your trip. Your degree of merriments would increase only if you could incorporate some travel-inspired home decor ideas. Such decor would keep you reminding and refreshing the memories associated with the places you traveled or are planning to visit.
Travelling inspired home decor items may include displaying your favorite photographs of the places you visited, postcards that you collected from that place and/or travel souvenirs collection. You can also create showpieces with coins and bills you bring along from your travel destination. If you think you are not creative enough for the same try watching various DIY videos. Very likely you would come up with interesting art form for your home using these items.
Listed below are 6 fun travel-themed inspired home decor ideas that will help the creative juices flowing in your veins. Every time you would have a look at these décor items you will cherish your vacations and destination visited.
Table of Contents
1). Put the map on the wall

This is one of the simplest travel inspired décor items to be used at home. Either you can hang the map with visited destination lightened up in a frame or you can get the map painted/ pasted on the wall. Afterward, try positioning the framed pictures of family and friends who were present on the trip with you. If you are particular with the details, you can try putting arrows matching the places with the pictures.
A painted global chandelier is also a great option towards decorating home with items relatable to frequent traveling.
Decoupage map travel wall sign is also an interesting idea to showcase your heartfelt liking for traveling.
Personalized world map photo holders can also be the part of these worth displaying collectables. Such photo holders can be designed at home if you have the skills to carve the world map( it could be in geometric shapes) out of metal rods.
2) Magnetic strip for showcasing the souvenirs
Every feeling of wanderlust is complemented with the habit of collecting the souvenirs of their destination visited. Some travelers may put these mini items on their wardrobe, fridge doors, almirahs, etc. But others, who are fond of collecting them in various sizes and shapes can have a huge magnetic strip constructed on a wall in their home. This strip would accommodate all the souvenirs collected from various destinations. More the strip would be covered, the more satisfied would be the nomad in you. Also, the visitors at your place would get to know the places you visited without words from mouth.
3) Frame photos from your travel collection

Get hanging photo organizer from some e-commerce portals. Use LED string lights and hooks to hang photos in the room. You can separate each room by hanging the pictures of different continents you visited. To get the printing job done, you can easily use your home instant printer and print your pictures on Polaroid photo paper, right from your smartphone.
4). Vintage suitcase box shelf

The decorative vintage suitcase wall shelf is a great concept to showcase your travel based home decor theme. Vintage luggage suitcase can be used as a side table or can double up as an item for storing things in any room. Also, you may hang the suitcase on the wall and use it as the bookshelf. The vintage/old fashioned hardware adds to its antique look of a treasure box.
You can use it as a storage box for souvenirs, foreign currency, and photographs.
You can also create stack-table in the corner of one of your room. This would help you utilize the available floor space as you can store numerous items in these suitcases of different sizes. These suitcases symbolically represent frequent traveling.
5) Create a photo gallery on the wall

This method of decorating the house with the travel inspired photos has been in existence since ages. People are in habit of making a collage of their travel pictures sometimes in photo albums and now it has reached on to the walls of the house. So, the fond memories of the places that have been visited or are in the bucket list goals are refreshed from time to time.
Just in case you don’t have your own pictures to display, you can get the printouts from various web portals that have stock photography.
6). Lifestyle and home accessories

Get the special touch of your wanderlust feeling incorporated throughout the home by getting customized home and lifestyle accessories. Getting such products at reasonable prices is not difficult these days. House utilities like pillows, shower curtains, coffee mugs can help celebrate your love for traveling.
Shower curtain with wanderlust print and lighted mirror would make your bathroom more lively.
Coffee mug with the wanderlust print or your personal photograph from your travel diary would help the tender memories reach your kitchen slab.
Quick Glimpse
Travelling undoubtedly makes you more creative, spontaneous, optimistic and interesting, as found in the study conducted in Germany in the year 2013. If you are not creative enough, then try various DIY videos.
Try making a postcard tree with some best-out-of the-waste items like an empty box.
But if you don’t mind shelling out money, you can get customized photo frames, vintage boxes, clocks, pillow covers and more. Using these home decor items, you can put your house on speaking for your love for traveling.

Alex is fascinated with “understanding” people. It’s actually what drives everything he does. He believes in a thoughtful exploration of how you shape your thoughts, experience of the world.